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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bobby Shmurda Arrested at Rikers Island for Taking Weapon From Girlfriend During Jail Visit

Neilson Barnard, Getty Images
Bobby Shmurda‘s time behind bars is playing out like a bad movie. The 20-year-old rapper, who’s already in jail, was arrested on Rikers Island in New York on June 21 after officials witnessed his girlfriend giving him a weapon during a jail visit.

The New York Daily News reports that the rapper, who has been in jail since December of 2014 on gun and drug trafficking charges, received a visit from Kimberly Rousseau, 18, last week. During the visit, Rousseau was seen passing Shmurda a black latex glove balloon wrapped in black electrical tape. She had retrieved the item from her bra before giving it to the “Hot N—-” rhymer, born Ackquille Pollard.
Once the exchange was witnessed, a Rikers Island guard confiscated the balloon and opened it up to find a “sharpened metal object” inside according to a criminal complaint. Both Shmurda and Rousseau were charged with promoting prison contraband.
In addition to the new charge, Shmurda, along with GS9 crew members like Rowdy Rebel, face over 100 charges including conspiracy to commit murder in the second degree, reckless endangerment, criminally using drug paraphernalia and criminal possession of a weapon. The Epic Records signee is currently being held on $2 million bail. If he is convicted on all charges, he faces up to 25 years in prison.
Shmurda is awaiting his trial on conspiracy and gun charges, which will take place on Oct. 5. The initial trial was set to take place this month but due to the new contraband charge, the date was postponed. Though the rhymer is being offered a plea deal of eight years in prison, he’s refusing to accept and maintains his innocence.

Read More: Bobby Shmurda Arrested at Rikers Island for Taking Weapon From Girlfriend During Jail Visit | http://theboombox.com/bobby-shmurda-arrested-rikers-island-taking-shank-from-girlfriend/?trackback=tsmclip

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